
The Lora Robins Gallery of Design from Nature is closed for construction.

University Museums is committed to serving the campus community and beyond. We serve a variety of groups including scouts, childcare centers, summer camps, retirement communities, diverse art and art history interest groups, and special needs groups. Public tours focus on highlights from the collection as well as special exhibitions.

To schedule a tour, please contact Martha Wright at (804) 289-8237 or email

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  • Public Tours

    Walk-In Tours

    Museum Ambassadors (UR students) are available to give 10-15 minute walk-in tours of the special exhibitions in the Harnett Museum of Art. Reservations are not required, and the tour is free. Tours are on a first come first serve basis, according to Museum Ambassador availability.

    Self-Guided Visits

    The Harnett Museum of Art is open Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday - from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m., Thursday - 1 - 7 p.m. and closed on Sunday and Monday. To book a group tour outside of normal business hours, please submit the Tour Request Form, or contact Martha Wright, or (804) 287-1258.

    *The Lora Robins Gallery of Design from Nature is closed indefinitely for construction.*

  • K-12 Tours

    Guided tours for K-12 are customized for specific curriculum requirements. Tours are interactive and stress critical thinking, observation skills, and creativity. In addition, hands-on activities range from in-gallery art projects to take-home worksheets. Museum educators work with teachers to tailor educational resources for individual classroom needs.

    A PDF is available with the complete listing of Virginia SOLs addressed during your visit to the University Museums.

  • College Tours

    Museum staff can offer specialized exhibition tours geared toward the needs of students and professors of varied disciplines. Students can learn directly from first-hand study of original artwork and objects. Students may also use exhibitions and objects in the collections for class papers and projects.